Outlander Odyssey

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

  • Accepted content: academic essays, research papers, and opinion pieces
    • Must not include slurs, or offensive discourse
  • Eligibility: students (must be in 3rd year of undergraduate or further please attach proof of university enrolment), academics, professionals
  • Submissions will be checked for plagiarism and correct reference forms in your chosen referencing style
  • Length guidelines:
  • Images and multimedia are accepted so long as they add value to your submission
  • Author must provide a brief of themselves and affiliation details, professional social media such as linked in is encouraged to be shared in the brief
  • Submission format must be in PDF form
  • If one or more of the guidelines are not complied with, the submission will not reach the stage of peer review

Rights and Permissions

  • You consent to:
  • Contributors retain the copyright to their work, granting Outlander Odyssey a non-exclusive right to publish and distribute the content on this platform, as well as their other social media platforms inclusive of but not limited to; Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Facebook inter alia.
  • You grant Outlander Odyssey the right to reproduce, distribute, and display your work on this platform and the others detailed above, as well as any affiliated promotional materials.
  • Contributors will be credited for their work with their name and link to their provided professional or academic profile. There will be a intro made of each author detailing their years of expertise or the year in which they are currently enrolled in an academic institution. This is for transparency and credibility for the readers of this website.
  • Contributors are free to republish or reuse their work elsewhere after its initial publication on Outlander Odyssey
  • Contributors may request the withdrawal of their content by contacting the team so long as there are extenuating circumstances.
  • After withdrawal, Outlander Odyssey may retain archived copies of the content for record-keeping purposes
  • In the case of collaborative works, contributors are collectively considered copyright holders and must agree on the submission terms.